What Lifeguards and Patrons Can Expect This Labor Day Weekend



Labor Day Monday is quickly approaching and families everywhere are jumping on their last chance for a beach vacation. With the news of Hurricane Marie devastating West Coast shores, those who live around the California area will have to take extra precaution as the weather may not let up in time.

Though the hurricane is expected to considerably reduce size by the end of next week, there are certain factors to keep in mind while keeping an eye out on the beachfront. Two major concerns would be the increased chance of rip currents as well as an influx of jellyfish.

Rip currents are a dangerous factor in swimming. Going too far out into the water may result in a beach patron being grabbed by a rip current and subsequently pulled farther into the ocean. If this person does not have the strength or knowledge on how to remove themselves from the hold of a rip current, this may unfortunately lead to an incidence of drowning.

With the stormy weather disrupting the ocean, there has been a significant increase in reports of jellyfish stings on the West Coast. Some certain jellyfish stings can result in itchy skin, muscle cramps and breathing difficulties. Keep a careful eye out for strange behavior from those who are swimming, as they could have been stung by a jellyfish!