Lifeguards: Then and Now
|Over the years, lifeguarding has evolved drastically. Though the methods may be similar, a glaring improvement in the lifeguard praxis would be the profession’s advancement in equipment.
The inception of lifeguarding was a momentous occasion in history, and today aquatic facilities employ lifeguards as a mandatory staple of their staff. The earliest known lifeguards date back to the 1800’s, where equipment had not been streamlined for the profession just yet.
Early rescue cans were constructed of galvanized steel and may have provided more injuries than clean saves. The result was a heavy piece of antiquated equipment that has since been replaced by it’s more practical and efficient plastic brother.
Check out this interview with legendary lifeguard Keith Michaels, where he recalls the days of his lifeguarding youth!
Lifeguards around the globe have found equipment that compliments their specific location best. Some lifeguards prefer rescue kayaks over paddle boards, and specially designed motorcycles over all-terrain trucks.
Some lifeguarding methods, like the use of patterned flags and certain scanning techniques, will never falter. Over the last few years, ocean lifeguards have been implementing the use of drones and robots to help aid hard-to-reach victims.
With the technology of the world continuing to advance, it’s hard to tell what kind of equipment lifeguards will have access to in the years to come!