Will UK lifeguards be affected by BREXIT?
Okay, you get it – Brexit is a big deal, but how does it affect you as a lifeguard? As mentioned, different businesses and industries will be affected by this development and since lifeguards play an integral role in the UK, they will also experience great change. So let’s take a look at a few ways in which UK lifeguards could be affected by Brexit.
One thing that has a lot of people concerned about Brexit is whether or not it will have an effect on the UK’s tourist industry. Although the connection seems a bit abstract, an influx in tourists means a greater demand for lifeguards, and vice versa. We’ll spare you the lesson on supply and demand and instead we’ll give you the breakdown. If there’s a greater demand for lifeguards in the UK, your travel-loving peers will seek employment there. You’ll be able to rest easy with job security knowing that the demand in the USA will remain steady.
Conversely, if the overseas demand for lifeguards begins to plummet, you may have a problem at hands. Dedicated lifeguards from the UK could flock to your territory and pose competition to your summer job. One thing is certain: Britain’s beaches always require lifeguards, it’s just a matter of how many they’ll need once the tourist industry is affected.
Wages and cuts
Obviously one of the first things on many people’s minds regarding Brexit is how the decision will affect their wages and employment as a whole. As mentioned, the UK will always require lifeguards regardless of where it stands with the EU, but due to the fact that the pound has decreased slightly in value, there is a potential for pay cuts. A brighter possibility is the hope that the UK’s economy could actually improve. If this happened, another recession would be avoided, more jobs would be created, and wages would rise. Higher wages equals happier lifeguards.
Experts have found that a decent majority of people who voted to leave the EU did so because of immigration issues. While many media outlets are claiming that leaving the EU would make it harder for immigrants to gain access to Britain, there is also a possibility that it will have a reverse effect and will bring an influx of immigrants over the next few years. Regardless of the effect, a decrease or increase in immigration equates to a change in population. Thus, we re-visit the law of supply and demand and how it has an effect on lifeguards. Unfortunately it is too early to tell whether or not lifeguards will reap benefits from this, but we can still conclude that there will be a change.
There you have it! Even lifeguards are affected by Brexit. We’ve touched on tourists, wages and cuts, and immigration, all of which seem a bit boring on the surface. But as you know, there’s more to the story. All of these things will affect working and non-working Brits, so as a devoted lifeguard, you will also be affected.╚
For future information about lifeguarding and related industry topics, visit www.lifeguardtimes.com.