New ‘Lifeguard Day’ Taking Shape
It appears that a Lifeguard Day ™ honoring lifeguards may be on the horizon.
Longtime lifeguard industry supplier® has launched a sale today honoring and offering special year low pricing to lifeguards and aquatic facilities. Many online retailers are offering sales this week to encourage a sort of “Black Friday in July” shopping phenomenon. Much of this comes as a response to the so called Prime Day offered by Amazon. Last year sales of this sort bode well for large multichannel retailers but saw major upticks in sales for small niche online retailers as well. In many ways this type of sale is very advantageous for both small niche lifeguard retailers and their customers as they provide an opportunity to clear out inventories left over from the busy season while at the same time letting lifeguards get a potentially great deal on much needed items with time left in their season to use them.® stated that, in addition to offering great deals to much deserved lifeguards, this movement can hopefully turn into a day honoring these Lifeguard Heroes as they are in the midst of doing what they do best. Currently there is no single day appointed to honor lifeguards in such a way across all forms of the profession.
Lifeguard Times would like to go on record supporting “Lifeguard Day ™” and salutes the women, men, and Junior Lifeguards that it sets out to honor.╚
For more information about the® Lifeguard Day ™ Sale click here.
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