The New Lifeguard Rescue Tube that is Changing Everything!
Over the years, rescue tube use has evolved as lifesaving certification courses have changed. For example, lifeguard certification courses, such as that of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) and Ellis & Associates, use specially designed rescue tubes in their training.
As many products throughout society have progressed, it was only a matter of time that commonly used rescue devices would follow suit. The long awaited improved rescue tube was just introduced this aquatic season by long time lifeguard equipment supply company®. The LIFE™ Rescue Tube is the 21st century version of the widespread and increasingly relied upon rescue device.
Improved features of the new LIFE™ Rescue Tube include a nearly indestructible proprietary foam that does not crack or peal like that of the old style rescue tubes. New LIFE™ GRIPS™ allow lifeguards and rescuers a multitude of new lifesaving maneuver options to be employed. Whether it be the 360 degree reach assist capability or the new Speed Entry™ maneuver, the LIFE™ Tube as it is known does not disappoint. The new replaceable strap is another feature previously unheard of among old rescue tube models and appears to be one of the most exciting features of the new rescue tube, as the manufacturer,® promises that several new strap designs, catering to the various aquatic environments will be forthcoming.® is currently working with various lifeguard certification agencies and lifeguard trainers in the development of new lifesaving maneuvers that will take advantage of the new rescue tube’s features. Several such lifeguard training agencies that are embracing the new rescue tube as a part of their training are the newly accredited BESTGuard Certification Program and SKWIM® International. The manufacturer,® has been releasing videos of the new product in action which highlights many of the new maneuvers and differentiates the new LIFE™ Rescue Tube from the old style rescue tubes.
Finally, quite possibly the most appreciated aspect of the new rescue tube is its durability. It is purported to last years longer than previous model tubes, a statement backed up by a 3 year warranty being offered by the manufacturer, very rare for a product of this type.
To see a video of the new LIFE™ Rescue Tube in action click here!
To see an Instagram video clip of the new LIFE™ Rescue Tube click here!
For more detailed information about the LIFE™ Rescue click here!