tseT tseTLifeguard Times is the World’s premier online magazine for lifeguarding. Lifeguard Times is committed to bringing its readers trending and newsworthy articles related to lifeguards and lifeguarding related topics.
About The Author
Jeff Robertson, former Lifeguard, has been reporting on Lifeguard related topics for nearly 10 years. He has significant experience interviewing lifeguards and writing about Lifeguard industry current events.
Contact Info
2109 Rockledge Blvd
Rockledge, FL 32955
Phone #: (321) 433-3630
EMAIL: info@lifeguardtimes.com
WEBSITE: www.lifeguardtimes.com
how to subscribe to this magazine or newsletter?
Thank you for your question, As this was our first Newsletter that we have sent out, we just created our subscription page located here: http://www.lifeguardtimes.com/newsletter/
I work for the YWCA in El Paso,TX. and we want to know how to subscribe to this network. We are always in search of lifeguards for our facilities
Thank you for your question. The best way to subscribe to our newsletter is to go to our subscription page. To reach the page click here. To keep a tab on our Jobs forum, you can sign up on our forum page here and keep track of all the job postings you have created.
I had worked as life guard in U.A.E different hotel for many years
Hi! I’d like to post jobs. Do I need to register to post jobs? Also, I can’t find the “add a thread” link to click to add the jobs. Thanks for your help.
To post a job on our forms you do not need to sign in. All you need to do is click here select the region that the job is being posted for, and the create thread button should be in the upper right corner as shown in the image below.
I hope this helps
Hi,I am a life guard with extensive experience working in five star hotels
,I have worked in Africa and the middle east,Any job offers out there for me